Client: CNN Create
Brief: Microsite content and design direction for JFOODO
Responsibilities: Creative & Art Direction, Digital Imaging and UI/UX Design

[ Challenges ]
To create narrative-based content was already a big task. This project pushed the envelope – it involved stitching 2 protagonists' stories, 4 different art elements (still photography, 'textural' videography, typography and ambient soundtrack) and working with teams across 3 different countries.
And it had to be seamless in all forms of transition.

Client Feedback:
"Very, very well done on the visuals and story. Very impressive!" – Head of CNN Create
"Thank you for a beautiful piece of work." – JFOODO
"Thank you for a beautiful piece of work." – JFOODO
Won new work from a Content Strategist at Reuters Plus, who formerly worked for CNN.