Concept 01 - What makes NK smile?

Client: Etihad Airways
Brief: Pitch for the appointment of Digital Production Agency – EG+ Worldwide (Singapore)
Responsibilities: Conceptualisation, Pitch Process & Management, Creative & Art Direction and Pitch Presentation

Concept 02 - The Best Luxury Class

Concept 2 - The Best Business Services

[ Challenges ]
Working on this pitch was definitely an interesting test. The opportunity was not anticipated and the team was already working on multiple projects with tight timelines.
1) Assets - We were provided very specific videography assets that centred around the then upcoming Nicole Kidman brand campaign. Those were the only assets we could use as building blocks for our concepts.
2) Lack of resource - The pitch "team" was initially just myself with a little input from the copywriter I wanted to work with. I kept pushing for his availability with the account director because I was very confident about one of my concepts. Eventually the efforts paid off and one became two, and two became three. 1 Digital Art Director, 1 Senior Copywriter and 1 Account Manager.
3) Scale - The original intention was to pitch one main concept. However, the Managing Director felt confident that we had a huge chance and decided to pitch three (three and a half, actually) concepts to demonstrate our diverse talents. This was quite an ask, given how tied up the team was with BAU projects.
4) Remote presentation - None of the members of the pitch "team" had prior experience with presenting remotely. It was still the era of conference calls. We flipped the negatives into positives and did an excellent job, huddled around a tiny table because the main conference room was booked up.
It was extremely tiring but also extremely rewarding to have pulled it off.

Concept 03 - Comfort & privacy, reimagined

Client Feedback:
"Our main creative agency should be producing this kind of work!" – Head of Global Marketing, Etihad Airways
EG+ Worldwide (Singapore) was appointed the Digital Production Agency and retained the account beyond the initial two year contract. The Digital Art team expanded twice to handle the increased workload, and eventually had to hire a specialist Digital Imaging team on the third year to meet client and project demands. The Head of Digital Art moved to Abu Dhabi on the third year as well, to start a 'local' team to manage business requirements.